The library catalogue is the main place for you to search for books, place holds and check what you have on loan. The catalogue contains the records for most books held within NHS Libraries in the East of England. Most of these books are available for ESNEFT staff to borrow (unless indicated) and can be reserved via the catalogue. The simplest way to search for books is:
- Click on the link below
- You do not need to login to search for books
- Search for books using keywords, title, author, ISBN etc.
- In the results list, click on the title of the book to see its location and availability
- The call number relates to where you will find the book on the shelves
- To reserve the book, press 'Place Hold'
- You will need to login with your library membership number and password.
- For ESNEFT staff membership numbers will begin with either CGH or IMR.
- You can choose which NHS library in the East to pick the book up from (this can be different from the one you registered with
- You will get can email when the book is ready to collect
- Please email for any help in accessing books