There are 15 laptops available for borrowing via Laptop Cabinets on both Colchester and Ipswich sites. These can only be borrowed for a short loan period (max 24 hours). Scroll down to find out how to borrow.
Laptop Cabinet at Colchester. Laptop Cabinet at Ipswich.
Please note - laptops can only be borrowed for a short loan period and are available on a first come first serve basis - we unable to make exceptions to this rule.
When borrowing a laptop you are agreeing to abide by the terms and conditions of loan. Please make sure you read and understand these . If you have any questions regarding laptop loans please email
Terms and Conditions for borrowing an ESNEFT Library Laptop (as of June 2024)
Laptops can be borrowed from the Library in the Postgraduate Medical Centre at Colchester Hospital and the Library Annex in the Education Centre at Ipswich Hospital. Both locations are accessible 24/7.
All borrowers must be registered library members. To borrow and to return a laptop, you will need your Library Membership card (not your ID Badge) and PIN.
Laptops are loaned for a period of 1 day.
Borrowers will accept full responsibility for loss or damage to the laptop on loan. Any loss or damage must be reported to Library staff. Loss or damage may result in a replacement cost being charged.
Laptops must only be used by the borrower, and not given to another staff member during the period of loan.
Laptops must only be used within the Education Centre at Ipswich Hospital or the Postgraduate Medical Centre (villa 8) at Colchester. Docking stations are available in both libraries.
Laptops must be returned in a fit, clean and useable condition, and plugged into the cable in the locker to remove the loan from your account.
Laptops must be used in accordance with ESNEFT IT policies and procedures. The equipment must only be used for work that is appropriate to the borrower’s personal professional development or work-related matters. Personal or identifiable data should not be kept on the device, including attaching a password to the device.
Laptops remain the property of ESNEFT at all times.
Library staff reserve the right to refuse the loan of a laptop, for example if the borrower has outstanding loans or the account is expired.
No unauthorised third-party software should be downloaded or installed on the laptop. Files saved directly to the laptop will be deleted.
I agree: